Radon is a naturally occurring gas that is produced from decaying radium found in soils, rocks, and water.
Radon typically moves through soil, rock, or wells to the air and enters homes through cracks and openings in a home’s foundation.
Any home, including new construction, historic homes, well-sealed homes, or homes without a basement or crawlspace, can accumulate high levels of radon gas. It’s important to test your home because radon gas is a health hazard; exposure to high levels causes lung cancer. You cannot see, smell, or taste radon gas, so testing is the only method to determine if a home has high radon levels.
Elevated levels of radon have been found in all areas of the Triangle. The EPA Map of Radon Zones shows the general trend of radon levels in North Carolina. The levels tend to be lower in the coastal plain, then increase in the middle area of the state—the Piedmont—and increase more in the mountains.
First Call Property Inspections can coordinate radon gas testing for your property using a fully licensed, experienced, and trusted radon testing company. Radon gas testing services are not affiliated with First Call Property Inspections.